Understanding the Sign
The historical sign at the Arden Leigh School site requires some explanation. To understand it two concepts are relevant – the formation of the school district and the enrolment of students. The school district, Arden Leigh S.D.#5015, was approved by the province in 1934 while the school was approved to be built by local ratepayers on June 12,1935 and completed by March 4, 1936. Students attended the school from that day until June 30,1954 while the school district board had its last meeting on March 28th, 1959.
So if the sign is referring to the Arden Leigh School District #5015, the sign should read: Arden Leigh S.D.#5015
1934 to 1959
or if it is referring to Arden Leigh as a school it should read:
Arden Leigh School
March 4th, 1936 to June 30th, 1954
but it mixes up two ideas; 1934 was the start of the district while 1954 was the end of school enrolment.