Arden Leigh Families with children
that attended Arden Leigh School
Lived on/or near east-west road – reasonable walking distance
Joe & Mary Perkins Wilbert & Mrs. Cook
-Dean - Gordon,Lorne,Barry,Dawn
Henry & Nettie Rachkevich Alfred & Mrs. Mitchell
-Harry,Dora,Rose -Dorothy,Lilian,Helen
Archie & Gertrude Clark Mike & Annie Sokolowski*
-John,Don,Shirley -Mary,David,Edna,Winnie
John & Jose Sokolowski* Alfred Belyea
-Bill,Vern -Lillian,Florence,Clinton
Ludwig & Katie Kattler Sam & Adella Gugins*
Peter,Daisy,Louie,Margie -Elsie,Evelyn,Verna,Marie,Alex,Oliver
Alec & Mrs. Poberschnack Archie & Hilda Parry*
-Adeline -Edith,Elsie,Ruth,Mildred
Clarence & Doris Cota Wildred & Veronica Cota*
-Ruth,Elnor,Mildred -Albert
William & Hazel Guy Jr.* William & Elsie Guy Sr.*
-Darell -Hubert
Peter & Catherine Diewold Harry & Elizabeth Clark
-Milly -Arthur Watch
Moved nearer to school – reasonable walking distance
Clarence & Annie Chandler*
Bill & Dorothy Schnack Elmer & Inga Nystrom*
-Marie,Bertha -Evelyn,Edna,Ethel,Ervin,Elma,Elaine
Lived 3 or more miles from the school
Sigurd & Helga Sundberg* Tony & Lumina Bourget*
-Ruth,June -Cecile,Joe,Raymond
Tom & Flora White Paul & Mrs. Gorski
-Tommy,Angus,Florence -Victor,John,William,Peter
Joseph & Mrs. Byspalko Manzel & Bella Hunt*
-Norman -Inez
*Some families had more than the children listed, but they did not attend Arden Leigh School.
Arden Leigh Residents(no children attending Arden Leigh)
I. Steiner George & Nina Prentice
Charles & Mrs. Hemrick George & Pauline Sokolowski
William & Mrs. Joss John & Mrs. Manz
Chas. Owens Harry Best